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UG course (MAE130B/30B)

The approach we use in this course is to actually adopt three-dimensional representations of the kinematics and kinetics from the very beginning, teach analytical dynamics in the first course, and provide entertaining examples throughout.

Written UG course contentUG lecture videos

Graduate course

MAE207 is a graduate dynamics course covering Lagrangian multipliers, integrals of motion, Routhians and ignorable coordinates, variational calculus and the Euler-Lagrange equation, virtual power methods, continuous systems and Hamilton's principle, and non-holonomic phenomena.

Written grad course contentGrad lecture videos
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PhD level graduate course in engineering

Acoustics was once a boring old phenomena responsible for sonar, auditorium design, and musical greeting cards. Not any more.

A technique now proven to be far more powerful than electrohydraulics and and optical methods in micro and nanofluidic actuation, acoustofluidics is a burgeoning field reliant on high frequency acoustics and underpinning many new developments and devices at these small scales. The results are solving important problems appearing in publications in Science, Nature, and PNAS among other prominent journals throughout science and engineering.

This course examines piezoelectricity, microfluidics, acoustics, and device metrology as we progress to examine the fascinating phenomena of acoustofluidics at small scales in the laboratory, and show how it all can be used in practical applications.

Course content
Bad Design - Katerina Kamprani - The Uncomfortable

Computer-Aided Analysis and Design

Undergraduate course in engineering

Computer-aided analysis and design. How to perform simple back-of-the-envelope calculations to verify or replace computations. Design methodology, tolerance analysis, Monte Carlo analysis, kinematics and computer-aided design of linkages, design of cams and cam dynamics; and finite element analysis. Approximate solution techniques, the value of similtude, scaling, and trained guessing methods for design in engineering and other disciplines.

Lecture contentLecture videos

Principal Investigator: Professor James Friend
Phone/Zoom: +1-858-26o-95o8 •
Faculty Assistant: Samantha Drumb
Center for Medical Devices
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering • Jacobs School of Engineering
Department of Surgery • School of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive MC0411
La Jolla, CA 92093-0411

Offices: 344K/345C&F Structural and Materials Engineering Building
Lab: 320 Structural and Materials Engineering Building
Maps to parking, laboratories and offices.

Shipping address:
University of California, San Diego
Attn: Prof James Friend, (858) 260-9508
320 SME MC0411
7835 Trade Street
San Diego CA 92121-2460

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