
Acoustofluidics is the study of the generation, propagation, and attenuation of acoustic waves and their behavior—linear and nonlinear—at millimeter to nanometer scales in solids, fluids, and gases and across the interfaces of these domains. It also includes the design, construction, and use of devices that exploit these phenomena for a variety of applications, principally in addressing unmet medical needs.

Prof. James Friend was one of the original progenitors of the discipline, having worked in it since 2001. He has produced well over 150 publications over the years on this topic, and still has active and funded research from fundamental phenomena to commercially suitable devices. Consult the [Research]( page for more information on the latest publications by the group including this area.

Recent videos on acoustofluidics phenomena and devices

Classic videos of acoustofluidics phenomena

Principal Investigator: Professor James Friend
Phone/Zoom: +1-858-26o-95o8 •
Faculty Assistant: Samantha Drumb
Center for Medical Devices
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering • Jacobs School of Engineering
Department of Surgery • School of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive MC0411
La Jolla, CA 92093-0411

Offices: 344K/345C&F Structural and Materials Engineering Building
Lab: 320 Structural and Materials Engineering Building
Maps to parking, laboratories and offices.

Shipping address:
University of California, San Diego
Attn: Prof James Friend, (858) 260-9508
320 SME MC0411
7835 Trade Street
San Diego CA 92121-2460

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